CERT currently offers classes in the Emmett Independent School District .  If you are a high school student attending EHS or a homeschool student residing in this school district, you are eligible to attend a CERT class!


7:35 – 8:35 AM

Christian Beliefs – Part 1

8:40-9:40 AM


10:55-11:55 AM


12:30-1:30 PM


1:35-2:35 PM

Christian Beliefs – Part 1

class Availability

CERT has two things going for it.  First we are located right next to Emmett High School.  Second, we align our schedule with the EHS Schedule.  These two factors help make the CERT experience seamless and accessible for the students.

Classes offered

Our priority in class is to teach what is relative to the students in that class.  For this reason students my switch subject matter at the beginning of the semester.  We take the first few weeks to assess the students and then lock in a course from there.  

In this course students will cover the following topics

  • The Bibles Origins
  • Attributes of God
  • The Trinity 
  • Humanity
  • Sin 
  • Christ
  • Salvation 
  • Salvation issues

Our hope is that by the end of the semester, your student will be able to think critically about these topics and explain them using Scripture to support these beliefs. 

In this course students will cover the following topics

  • Spirits
  • Holy Spirit
  • Eternal Destiny
  • Salvation
  • Christian Holiness
  • Final Events
  • Ancient Creeds

My hope is that by the end of the semester, your child will be able to explain these topics of the Christian Beliefs using Scripture to support these beliefs and ultimately that this knowledge will draw them closer to God. 

In this course Students will learn practical skills for living out their Christian faith.   For those students who do not consider themselves Christians this is a good class to learn Christians do the things they do.  The following topics will be covered 

  •  What it means to be formed in the Image of God.
  • The building blocks of spiritual formation
    •  A renewed mind
    • Spiritual training
    • Christian Community
  •  Knowing God
  • Self Awareness
  • Spiritual Disciplines
    • Disciplines of Devotion
    • Disciplines of Action
    • Personal Disciplines
  • Suffering 
  • Community

Have you had doubts about Christianity?  Have you ever wanted to see the proof for it?  This class is for you.  Its our favorite class to teach here at CERT and it will answer almost every question you have.  In this class we will cover these topics

  • What is Apologetics?
  • What is Truth?
  • Is there a God?
  • Who made the universe, God or chance?
  • Does science and the Bible contradict each other?
  • Is Christianity the only way to heaven?
  • Is the Christian Bible true?
  • Are there any contradictions in the Bible?
  • Did Jesus really rise from the dead?
  • Is Jesus really the Messiah?
  • Is Jesus God ?

In this class we dive into other systems of beliefs.  The objective of this class is to create confidence in conversations about religion, to equip believers with objective knowledge about other religions.  Help all of us have empathic and honest conversations about why we believe what we believe and to intellectually inoculate students from beliefs that are a danger to them mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. 

SPECIAL NOTE: This course not always available because  students must take Basic Christian Beliefs 1 and 2 and Apologetics before taking this class.

This course will go through all the books of the Old Testament.  It is designed to expose students to all the major historical events in each book. This will give students the understanding of how everything in the Old Testament was point to the New Testament and also how the philosophy and values in the Old Testament laid down the foundation for Western Civilization. 

How to sign up

First: Inform your guidance counselor that you want to take a CERT class.

Second:  If you are switching CERT for another class, you must fill out a Class Change form and bring it to the CERT teacher to sign.  If you are not switching from another class, skip to the the third step.

Third:  Fill out a CERT Registration Form.

CERT Student Release form

If you are taking other classes through the EHS, follow the steps above.  Otherwise, email CERT at office@emmettcert.org with;

  • Your name
  • Phone number
  • What period you would like to attend

Or come in during office hours and register in person.  

HOw much does a CERT Class cost?

CERT classes are free for all students eligible to attend.  We do recommend a 10 dollar donation to help offset cost but this is not a requirement. 

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